7 Signs Life is a Dream

Have you ever had the feeling there is more going on behind the surface of reality than what meets the eye? I have! My wild dreams have actually opened the door for me, and led me to do some pretty eye-opening digging into the nature of reality, and whether or not life is actually a dream!

In this article I will lay out 7 signs to support my hypothesis that life IS actually a DREAM!

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Dreams and The Law of Attraction - Manifest Using Dreamwork

Not only do dreams give us an up-close look into our subconscious and help us identify what our underlying feelings and limiting beliefs are about a subject, they can also give us glimpses into our probable futures! If we don’t like what we are dreaming about, we may want to make some changes in waking reality to steer clear of what our dreams are indicating we may be heading towards.

Once you identify what is going on under the surface, in your subconscious, through dreamwork, you know what it really is you need to address in waking reality in order to manifest what it is you desire!

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5 Tips for Ending a Dream Drought: Increase Your Dream Recall

So, you understand how important our dreams are and you know the immense value we can gain from working with them… BUT there’s just one problem – YOU CAN’T REMEMBER ANY DREAMS!!

Whether you are just going through a short, temporary dream drought or you haven’t remembered any dreams in YEARS – these tips should help you get back on track and start dreaming again, ASAP.

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Lisa Buie
What is Dreamwork? 5 ways to get started

In a nutshell, Dreamwork refers to the exploration of our dreams. Dreamworkers toss the idea of standard dream interpretation out the window in favor of a more individual approach, believing that everyone has their own personal dream language. For example, a cactus has a different meaning to one person than to another, and our own personal dream symbols may even change meaning throughout our lifetime. From keeping a dream journal to creating artwork or even acting them out – however you decide to work with yours the end goal is the same: to create a relationship with your dreams.

Understanding dream meanings can open up new or hidden aspects of your life and help you move on to a more complete version of yourself. Dreams offer guidance and insight, if we only stop to listen and reflect. Through active dreamwork we can start to find personal meaning and guidance through our dreams.

The benefits of dreamwork are plentiful – you will find that when you start giving attention to your dreams, they will start reward you. They will become to be easier to remember and to decipher, and when applied to your daily life they will guide you towards the right decisions.

There are many different ways to start practicing dreamwork. Here are 5 of the best ways to get started:

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Lisa BuieDreamwork
How to Keep a Dream Journal: Understand Yourself and Your Dreams

Many people believe that dreams are just an escape from reality, but dreaming can be a time when you work through problems and learn to understand yourself better and find out more about who you really are. Dream journaling can help identify your unconscious thoughts and feelings, which might be too difficult to do identify consciously. Understanding what is happening with our unconscious thoughts and beliefs is a HUGE benefit when wanting to purposefully manifest a better life for ourselves.

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