Dreams and The Law of Attraction - Manifest Using Dreamwork

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What is the connection between our night dreams and the Law of Attraction, and how can Dreamwork help us manifest what we want in life?

First let’s discuss the Law of Attraction.  The LOA is based in the belief that our thoughts create our reality.  Like, we attract what we think about and focus on and whatever energy we put out comes back to us.  SO, the idea is to focus on positive things in order to have positive situations manifest in our lives.

I remember many years ago, before I ever heard about the LOA, I just KNEW there was more going on under the surface of reality.  I noticed that a lot of the time, what I thought about would happen!  Good, or bad!  Bad days would spiral out of control if I didn’t fix my attitude and I started to notice that people who always looked on the negative side of things had negative things happening to them ALL the TIME!  Their lives were full of drama.  In contrast, people who always seemed to have the best luck also always seemed to have the best outlook on life. 

At first I thought, “Well sure, it would be easy to be happy if good things were always happening to you, and of course your life would be full of drama and negativity if bad things were always coming at you”… but then I wondered which came first?  The attitude or the reality?

It was when the movie “The Secret” came out on Netflix that it really clicked for me.  It ALL made sense!  The Secret was my introduction to the Law of Attraction.  Then I read more books on the subject and tried some of the tips I learned and my mind was blown!  All along I had been right!  What we think about DOES effect our reality - good or bad! 


Then I learned that it’s not just what we say out loud or think about ON THE SURFACE that matters – I mean it DOES matter – but more importantly, what we truly believe deep down matters more.  Sometimes we have beliefs that are hidden way down in our subconscious that effect what we are able to manifest in our lives.  For example, we could repeat all day that we are attracting money and abundance into our lives, but if we hold a subconscious limiting belief that money corrupts people or that we have to work hard for money, what we are saying out loud doesn’t matter.  If we don’t truly believe it, we are standing in our own way!

But if it’s a subconscious belief, how do we even know if we have it?  How do we know what has been programmed into us since we were children?  Sometimes our limiting beliefs aren’t so easy to recognize.

THIS is where DREAMS come in to play!  Not only do dreams give us an up-close look into our subconscious and help us identify what our underlying feelings and limiting beliefs are about a subject, they can also give us glimpses into our probable futures!  If we don’t like what we are dreaming about, we may want to make some changes in waking reality to steer clear of what our dreams are indicating we may be heading towards.

Once you identify what is going on under the surface, in your subconscious, through dreamwork, you know what it really is you need to address in waking reality in order to manifest what it is you desire!

So let’s break this down now.  What exactly do we need to do in order to use Dreamwork together with the Law of Attraction?  Let’s first discuss how we can use our dreams to uncover our subconscious limiting beliefs.. Then I’ll go over a technique for boosting your manifestations through dreaming.


How to Uncover our Subconscious Limiting Beliefs through Dreamwork:

Step 1:  Determine what it is you want. 

First it helps to know what it is you want to manifest.  Believe it or not, I get stuck on this one a lot!  It sure does help to know what you want!  Sometimes I find it hard to put into words though, and usually all I want is happiness and contentment.  Everything boiled down kinda ends up in one of those catagories for me.  But let’s use financial abundance for our example here, since it’s a common one!  The key here is to put what you want into as clear of a statement as possible.  So, in this case we want financial abundance.

Step 2:  Dream Incubation

Before you go to bed try this little thing called Dream Incubation.  I have a whole video about dream incubation on my YouTube channel if you want to learn more on that topic.  Basically, all you need to do is write down an intention for your dreams before bed.  For this example, we would write something like:

“Show me what I need to know in order to achieve financial abundance”

This gets our brain all primed up for dreaming about a specific topic and lays the groundwork for our subconscious to deliver the answer to us.  Try to keep thinking about this intention as you drift off. Personally, I like to write down my intention in a little notebook and sleep with it under my pillow.

Step 3:  Go to sleep – Sweet Dreams 😊


Step 4:  Pay attention to your dream feelings and write your dream down

Being aware of what we feel in our dreams during the night can reflect what is happening in waking life, therefore better helping us understand where we are in relation to our manifestation goals – for example how close or far away we are from reaching our goals and if we are on the right track or not.

When you first wake up, give yourself some time to experience your first few thoughts and feelings.  Jot down your dream in bullet points to get all the main parts down before you forget anything.  I use my cell phone for this – I just email myself my dreams.  Pay special attention to your feelings, as the feelings are the most important key!  Feelings are an important window into what the subconscious mind might need or want, and they can provide hints about how things will manifest in our lives. 

For example, if you were trying to find out what you needed to know in order to manifest financial abundance in your life, and you dreamed about being in a burning building, terrified, it’s very possible your subconscious is telling you that there's something about your beliefs regarding financial chaos or scarcity of resources which you need to address. For example, it could be your limiting beliefs around money and the fear of not having enough, being unworthy of abundance, etc.

Our dream feelings don’t lie!  When we look at our dreams for clues as to how we are feeling, we become aware of what we are attracting – and WHY!

Step 5: Interpret your dream

I could talk about this subject ALL DAY but I won’t go into it too in depth here – for more on this topic, check out my video on Dream Interpretation here… and check out my website and YouTube channel for PLENTY more on this topic.

To briefly break down how to interpret a dream, it’s great to start with giving the dream a title and then summarize the dream.  I like to summarize my dreams literally and then also symbolically.  So, I would write out what actually happened in the dream – “I was riding a ski lift and only had a tiny string around my wrist to keep me from falling” and then write it out symbolically – “I was being taken to the top of a mountain while hanging on by a thread”.  Do you see how the symbolic summary gets more to the meat of the dream meaning? Where in my life might I feel like I’m hanging on by a thread?

Another tip for figuring out what certain objects or symbols in your dream mean is to pretend you are describing the object to a space alien.  This forces you to break it down into its smallest and most basic form – often times setting off light bulbs on what the dream object means to you symbolically.  For example:

Me: “I dreamed about a parking lot”

Space Alien: “What is parking lot? “

Me: “It’s a place to park your car when you are somewhere temporarily”

Space Alien: “Do not understand what is park?  What is car?  What is temporarily?”

Me: “Ok, so a parking lot is a place to rest the thing you move around in for a short amount of time”

Space Alien: “You get around in, like your body?  Does your body need rest?”

Ooooh now we are getting somewhere – see how that works?

If you are having a hard time interpreting your dream, rely on your dream feelings.  They are really what matters the most!  Think about them and how they relate to your Dream Incubation.  Then try to think about how the feelings you had from your dream are similar to feelings you’ve had in waking life and how they might be connected to trying to manifest financial abundance. 

Like I said, my whole YouTube channel and website is pretty much focused on this topic, so check it out for more on how to interpret your dreams!

Step 6: Take action on your dream

Now that we know its our limiting subconscious belief about the fear of not having enough money or being unworthy of abundance that is holding us back from manifesting what we want, TAKE ACTION on this!  It’s time to write some positive affirmations and rewire your subconscious to truly BELIVE that what you want is attainable.  In this case, it might be helpful to affirm that “I am worthy of abundance” and “I have more abundance than I ever imagined possible” or “I always have everything I need”… you get the picture.  Take whatever limiting belief you have now discovered and create some affirmations that counteract that – and repeat them often!  BTW – YOU ARE worthy of abundance.  We all are 😊

Now that you have done all of this, keep tabs on your dreams.  Pay attention to your dream feelings and whether or not they change.  Watch for waking synchronicities too – once the universe knows what you want and you’ve removed all roadblocks – expect some magic to head your way!

Let me just mention here too – if you are having any recurring dreams and don’t know why, try dream incubation for that too. Ask your dreams to show you what this recurring theme means.  Recurring dreams can point to something that REALLY needs to be addressed in waking reality and if your feelings towards the recurring dream are negative in any way – it could be negatively affecting your waking reality.  Best to get to the bottom of them ASAP. 


Now that we’ve determined what our limiting beliefs are, and we are crystal clear what positive affirmations we are going to use, it’s time to discuss…

How to Boost Your Manifestations Through Dreaming:

The key to boosting your manifestations through dreaming is to pay attention to the hypnagogic and hypnopompic states.  These are the liminal states between asleep and awake in which our brains are primed for manifestation.  These states are when our brainwaves are leaving the Alpha stage but haven’t reached the Theta stage yet, which is similar to where we get during meditation.  These liminal states are like a bridge between our conscious and unconscious, which is PRIME for training our subconscious to accept our new affirmations.  The hypnagogic state refers to when you are transitioning from awake to asleep and hypnopompic is the state when you are just waking up from deep sleep and not fully awake yet.  I have a whole video on this subject on my YouTube channel too!

As you begin to drift off to sleep, it is helpful to concentrate on your positive affirmations.  Use this time to really focus and feel into what it is that you want.  Visualize what it means to you to be abundant, and try to let yourself FEEL as if you ARE.  Really visualize and think about how content and supported you would feel if you were surrounded by abundance.  Picture how that would look.  What kind of house would you live in?  Would you have a new car?  How would it feel to be debt-free with a large savings account?   How relaxed would it make you to know you never need to worry about making a car payment ever again?  And to have the freedom to travel.  Picture your fancy private beach bungalow and smell the salty air, basking in the easy, contented feeling that you are financially abundant beyond anything you ever imagined possible. 

If you can carry these thoughts and feelings into the hypnagogic state, you are delivering them directly to your subconscious where they can begin to pack a real punch!  This is what you want your subconscious reacting to when you say your affirmations during the day.  Not going off as a doubting naysayer constantly nagging at you that you are not worthy of such things.  Clearly it is possible, because I have FELT it before, to the core of my being, as if I already have it.

Now that you have primed yourself for success and slept on it – here is a tip for when you first wake up the next morning: Allow yourself to just BE.  When we first wake up from sleep we have a clean slate.  No negativity from our day has seeped in yet and we are hopefully still riding high vibes from our hypnopompic visualizations the night before.  Try to stay in that space as long as possible. Don’t check your email immediately or go on social media.  Give yourself some time to experience your first few thoughts and feelings without any outside interference.  Doing this will help you identify what’s really happening at the present moment, as opposed to projecting into the future or dwelling on past experiences that may not be relevant anymore.

And then, of course write your dreams down and see how they relate to what you are trying to manifest in your life 😊

If all of this sounds super fine and dandy to you, but you have a hard time remembering your dreams or don’t know where to start when it comes to keeping a dream journal, check out www.thedreamworkcoach.com for video and blog links regarding ALL kinds of dreamwork related content.

Prefer watching videos?? Check out this video about Dreams and the LOA: